HorizoNext Development Management
Web-based Planning system modules for Planning Applications, Pre-Applications, Enforcement, and Appeals. Enabling complete end-to-end processing for all case management requirements.
The most complete and comprehensive web-based Development Management case management system available on the market. As with all Horizon modules, everything is provided out of the box by StatMap’s unique and complete capabilities covering all areas of the planning process.
HorizoNext Development Management provides an optimised process driven workflow which reduces time spent processing applications enormously. It provides a complete end-to-end
It consists of modules for Planning Applications, Pre-Applications, and Enforcement Complaints / Notices. Appeals management is built into both Planning Applications and Enforcement Complaints / Notices modules, meaning a far more integrated approach is taken to handling the Appeals process.
HorizoNext Planning Features:
Validation, Registration workflows and document indexing is built-in;
Configurable user interfaces;
Integrated EDM Plans viewing and editing;
Advanced GIS integrated mapping tools enable snapping, tracing, cloning (clone and auto-clone), merging, etc. against fully hosted and managed OS MasterMap data, served instantly to the client;
Georeferencing of site plans to enable the accurate capture of boundaries where no OS MasterMap boundaries exist (e.g. greenfield developments);
Planning Portal integration - applications and documents are downloaded and imported automatically into new case records (along with all submitted data into their respective mapped record fields; so creating a seamless process, removing any need for manual intervention;
Document generation and template management (in .docx);
Automated and ad-hoc Emailing, Messaging, and generation of documentation;
Automated constraint and history checking, in-built map-based neighbour notification selection in integrated mapping and letter / correspondence generation;
Issue all correspondence, Decision Notices, Emails, etc. from HorizoNext;
Manage Appeals against the relevant Planning Application or Enforcement Notice record;
Public and Consultee responses submitted, via HorizoNext Public Portal;
Addressing - integration with LLPG and nationwide OS AddressBase Premium hosted service;
And much more…
Complementary Modules
HorizoNext Planning comes with two complementary and fully integrated modules for managing and maintaining associated planning related business information. All feature the same advanced integrated GIS, Electronic Document Management (EDM), etc. as the other modules within HorizoNext Planning
Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)
Providing the ability to create and manage all TPOs, including maintaining GIS records for each TPO type (Group, Woodland, Area, Individual, etc.) You can create and store new and existing orders, maintain all correspondence in relation to the TPO record, send e-mails, etc. All documents relating to a TPO are attached to and stored with the TPO record. These can be updated at will by authorised officers (e.g. TPO officers).
Heritage Structures
Includes Listed Buildings, Buildings of Architectural and Historic Interest, etc. A highly configurable module for managing all matters associated with maintaining highly detailed and accurate records of heritage structures, including Listed Buildings.
Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA)
Provides the capability for capturing and defining SHELAA sites and recording all elements of them, including their boundaries and spatial records, status of development, and all metrics and parameters associated with each SHELAA site.